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Alfred Houck         1398/08/14 10:18:41 ق.ظ
Hi i just visit your website, end i really like the product you're selling. i try to order some items , but your product pages loading very slow or not loading at all. i have checked your website on and you can see your website is loading to slow to make a order. i hope you ar fixing this problem soon so i can make a order. Have a nice day ثبت شده بوسيله: Alfred Houck

Stanley Bennett         1398/08/10 03:56:50 ب.ظ
Hi I have received my order but you have sent me the wrong item. as you can see here on this photo, Please help me, i will sent the order back to you. i just want the good order. Regards "Sent from my iPhone" ثبت شده بوسيله: Stanley Bennett

Edwina Luffman         1398/08/07 11:30:39 ق.ظ
Hi! If you're reading this then you just proved that ads posted through feedback forms like yours works! We can send your ad to people via their feedback form on their website. The advantage of this kind of advertising is that messages sent through contact forms are inherently whitelisted. This dramatically improves the probability that your ad will be read. Absolutely NO PPC costs! Pay a one time fee and reach millions of people. To get more info please reply to: ثبت شده بوسيله: Edwina Luffman

Jens Barbour         1398/08/04 10:07:21 ق.ظ
Would you like to submit your ad on thousands of advertising sites monthly? Pay one flat rate and get virtually unlimited traffic to your site forever! For more information just visit: ثبت شده بوسيله: Jens Barbour

Klara Waterhouse         1398/08/02 12:47:42 ب.ظ
Get free gas, free groceries, free movie and music downloads, product giveaways and more free offers just for completing small surveys, visit: ثبت شده بوسيله: Klara Waterhouse

Hazel Sturgill         1398/08/02 10:20:59 ق.ظ
Hi, Would you like to reach brand-new clients? We are personally welcoming you to sign up with one of the leading influencer and affiliate networks on the web. This network finds influencers and affiliates in your niche who will promote your products/services on their sites and social network channels. Benefits of our program include: brand name recognition for your company, increased trustworthiness, and potentially more clients. It is the most safe, easiest and most reliable method to increase your sales! What do you think? Link: ثبت شده بوسيله: Hazel Sturgill

Julio Stroup         1398/08/01 07:47:20 ب.ظ
Interested in advertising that costs less than $49 monthly and sends thousands of people who are ready to buy directly to your website? Reply to: to find out how this works. ثبت شده بوسيله: Julio Stroup

کاظمی         1398/07/23 11:11:37 ب.ظ
تعویض ترانس با جدید سلام تهران نمایندگی دارید ؟ برای تعویض ترانس جوش با دستگاه های جوش شما ثبت شده بوسيله: کاظمی

Ty Wreford         1398/07/23 01:44:57 ق.ظ
Good day! If you're reading this then you're living proof that ads posted through feedback forms like yours works! We can send your promotional message to people via their contact us form on their website. The best part of this kind of promotion is that messages sent through contact forms are automatically whitelisted. This improves the chances that your message will be read. Never any PPC costs! Pay a one time fee and reach millions of people. For more information send a message to: ثبت شده بوسيله: Ty Wreford

Robby Macon         1398/07/11 10:02:04 ب.ظ
Hey there, Want to reach brand-new clients? We are personally inviting you to sign up with one of the leading influencer and affiliate networks on the internet. This network finds influencers and affiliates in your niche who will promote your company on their websites and social media channels. Advantages of our program include: brand name exposure for your product or service, increased trustworthiness, and potentially more clients. It's the best, easiest and most effective way to increase your sales! What do you think? Find out more: ثبت شده بوسيله: Robby Macon

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